Sunday, 26 February 2012

Six Sentence Sunday: Christmas Naughties

So I noticed this cool thing called Six Sentence Sunday. It's basically that an author picks any 6 sentences from a work from any genre, whether WIP or published and posts them on their blog on Sunday before 9 AM EST. There are no restrictions on genre, heat level or publisher.

I thought it was a wonderful way of giving a sneak peak at my erotic romance novel, Christmas Naughties. I hope you like it. Here goes:
     He couldn’t help noticing the way her fingers caressed her wineglass and the subtle trembling of her hands as she raised the crystal edge of the glass to her lips. The tender spot at the base of her neck betrayed the heightened pace of her heartbeat. How the hell was sh­e holding it together when her entire body language screamed—
     “Would you care for a refill?” the waitress asked, drawing Peter’s attention from Hanie’s salacious look to his nearly empty wineglass.
     What he’d really care for was a private room where he could peel that black dress off Hanie’s body and sip his wine from the grooves of her feminine curves. He forced the image out of his mind, determined to stay true to his promise of being a perfect gentleman—for now, anyway. 
I'd love to know what you think of this snippet, so don't forget to leave a comment. To check out more snippets, go to the official site for Six Sentence Sunday. Have a great week.


  1. Great description, could feel his attraction. Nice sexual tension... Welcome to SSS!

    FYI-Captcha doesn't work for us Wordpress users and since you don't have the Name/URL option, I have to use google+

  2. Thanks Angela. I know. I think WordPress and Google are having a tiff. It seems to happen often.
