Monday, 31 October 2011

Writer's Block: Away With You

I've been bemoaning my plight or writer's block or something close to it for a few weeks now. It wasn't that I couldn't write at all or that I found myself staring at the blank page. Oh no. I was writing, alright--a whole lot of first paragraphs. There've been days too when I sat down for an hour or more and came up with three measly lines.

How did I break the curse of the writer's block.

It happened over the weekend, while I stared at a few of those blasted first paragraphs. It hit me. I mixed and matched, nipped and tucked and came up with a paragraph that didn't feel like I'd dug myself into a hole. Ok, so it might have had something to do with Kimberly Raye's Once Upon a Bite (what's not to love about a sexy were/vamp hybrid falling for a human?). Whatever the case, chapter 6 is finally complete. Woohoo! Four - maybe five - more to go  (groans).

What are your writer's block/victory stories and how have you overcome them. If you're still in your writers' block, get yourself a racy book and let your imagination run.

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